Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The cell phone is an interesting thing to use to capture photos with.
People mostly use it spur of the moment to capture something they think is important enough to want to keep. As in a moment, or place..
Just think about it.
look through your cell phone pictures and you will understand what I'm saying.
I'm sure they all have something in common.
Mine, for example.. when I looked through them all had some sort of story behind them..
I guess being a photographer sometimes I forget when using my cell phone, that is is a form of photography.
It somewhat slips my mind simply because it's my cell phone, and it's on me all the time.
I'm exited to get an Iphone soon simply because the camera is pretty popular among people…
These were all taken with my droid, and they are actually pretty decent quality.
ok, I'm going to stop rambling now. Have a good night all! :)

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