Thursday, October 14, 2010

two is better then one.

I never thought I would have a set that actually went together... but hey, it happened before my eyes with out me even trying.

Unedited is better.

Night is love.

Cars are almost foreign to me now.

Sitting in a passenger seat taking photos was once an almost everyday activity.. and I loathed it. I would make the driver (mostly Kenzie) stop so I could get out because I felt sitting there was cheating.

Now that I haven't sat in a car in almost two months (except for one cab ride to brooklyn).... photos from the passenger seat intrigue me,

& I cannot wait to sit there once again, camera in hand.

I'm going back upstate (yay, suburbia!) this weekend.

It is a crazy concept because when I moved to newyorkcity I never thought I would want to come home...

first off, I never realized I was from "suburbia" before I moved here.

now that I've come to terms with it.. it is so much more interesting!

This weekend I'm going to go absolutely insane documenting where I come from.


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